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付丽红,畅莹莹,徐润东,等. 山西运城六种小麦淀粉结构及理化特性分析[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(9):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024060090.
引用本文: 付丽红,畅莹莹,徐润东,等. 山西运城六种小麦淀粉结构及理化特性分析[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(9):1−9. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024060090.
FU Lihong, CHANG Yingying, XU Rundong, et al. Morphological Features and Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Six Wheat Varieties in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(9): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024060090.
Citation: FU Lihong, CHANG Yingying, XU Rundong, et al. Morphological Features and Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Six Wheat Varieties in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(9): 1−9. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024060090.


Morphological Features and Physicochemical Properties of Starches from Six Wheat Varieties in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province

  • 摘要: 本文为了解不同品种小麦淀粉的差异与优势,为山西运城地区小麦品种的选择和加工应用提供科学依据。本文选用山西运城六种特色小麦为原料,通过扫描电镜、傅里叶红外光谱仪、X-射线衍射仪、差示扫描量热仪和快速黏度仪等技术,对不同淀粉的微观结构(直/支链淀粉含量、颗粒形态、粒径大小、晶体结构和短程有序度)和理化特性(透明度、溶胀性、冻融稳定性、糊化特性、热特性、以及凝胶特性)进行测定和相关性分析。结果表明,六种小麦淀粉由A和B淀粉粒组成,均属于典型的A型晶体结构,相对结晶度为11.63%~20.41%,直链淀粉含量范围为0.56%~26.24%。不同品种淀粉粒径、结晶度、糊化特性、冻融性和质构特性均存在差异性(P<0.05),其中‘运黑161’淀粉颗粒最小,短链有序程度、热焓值ΔH、透明度、冻融稳定性和膨胀度均最高,糊化温度低易糊化,不易回生。在质构特性方面,‘济麦23’淀粉凝胶硬度、弹性和咀嚼性显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。相关性分析表明,直链淀粉含量与溶解度、糊化温度、回生值呈正相关,与结晶度和热焓值呈负相关。淀粉相对结晶度与糊化温度、溶解度和回生值之间也存在相关性。综上所述,淀粉的结构和理化特性因小麦品种不同而存在差异性,‘运黑161’和‘济麦23’是两种优质小麦淀粉,为淀粉工业生产和应用提供参考。


    Abstract: This study aims to elucidate the differences and advantages among starches from different wheat varieties, providing scientific evidence for selection and application of wheat varieties in the Yuncheng region of Shanxi Province. Six kinds of specialty wheat starches from Yuncheng, Shanxi Province were used to analyze the morphological features and physicochemical properties by scanning electron microscopy, fourier transform infrared spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer, differential scanning calorimeter and rapid visco analyser. The microstructure of starches were including amylose and amylopectin content, morphology, particle size, crystallinity and short-range ordering. And the physicochemical properties were including transparency, swelling, freeze-thaw stability, pasting properties, thermal properties and texture characteristics were determined. The correlation between different factors was analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences. The results showed that the six wheat starches consisted of A and B starch granules, all of which belonged to the typical A-type crystal structure, with relative crystallinity ranging from 11.63% to 20.41%. The content of amylose ranged from 0.56% to 26.24%. There were significant differences (P<0.05) in the parameters of granule size, crystallinity degree, pasting characteristics, freeze-thaw stability and gel texture characteristics of different starches. 'Yunhei 161' starch had the smallest particle size, the highest degree of short-chain ordering, enthalpy ΔH, transparency, freeze-thaw stability and swelling. This starch was easy to paste and was not easy to regenerate. In terms of gel textural properties, the hardness, elasticity and chewiness of 'Jiemai 23' starch were significantly higher than the other groups (P<0.05). Correlation analysis showed that the content of amylose was positively correlated with solubility, pasting temperature and setback, which negatively correlated with crystallinity and enthalpy. Correlations were also found between relative crystallinity, pasting temperature, solubility and setback. In conclusion, The structure and physicochemical properties of starch were differentiated by wheat varieties. 'Yunhe 161' and 'Jiemai 23' were two high-quality wheat starches, which could to provide reference for starch industrial production and application.


