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张浩,高天珑,易宇文,等. 基于电子鼻和气相色谱-离子迁移谱技术分析香辛料对鱼香酱汁风味的影响[J]. 宝威体育平台,xxxx,x(x):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050162.
引用本文: 张浩,高天珑,易宇文,等. 基于电子鼻和气相色谱-离子迁移谱技术分析香辛料对鱼香酱汁风味的影响[J]. 宝威体育平台,xxxx,x(x):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050162.
ZHANG Hao, GAO Tianlong, YI Yuwen, et al. Analysis of the Influence of Spices on the Yu-Shiang Sauce Flavors Based on E-nose and GC-IMS Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, xxxx, x(x): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050162.
Citation: ZHANG Hao, GAO Tianlong, YI Yuwen, et al. Analysis of the Influence of Spices on the Yu-Shiang Sauce Flavors Based on E-nose and GC-IMS Technology[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, xxxx, x(x): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024050162.


Analysis of the Influence of Spices on the Yu-Shiang Sauce Flavors Based on E-nose and GC-IMS Technology

  • 摘要: 为探究香辛料对鱼香酱汁的影响,通过缺失实验揭示姜、葱、蒜、泡辣椒对风味的影响,采用感官定量描述法(quantitative descriptive analysis,QDA)、气相色谱-离子迁移谱(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)技术、电子鼻(electronic nose,E-nose)分析化合物变化。感官分析与电子鼻检测结果均发现:缺失葱会打破鱼香风味的呈味均衡,对风味影响最大;缺失泡辣椒会降低辣味刺激和鲜味,对风味有影响,但整体相似度依然较高;缺失姜对均衡风味呈现影响最小;缺失大蒜对咸味有增强作用。GC-IMS共检出91种化合物,包括醛类26种,醇类18种,酮类13种,酯类8种,烷烃8种,含硫、醚类7种,酸类1种,杂环类10种;研究发现缺失小葱样品组烷烃类从参照组11.06%下降到5.41%,表明缺失小葱对风味影响最大;缺失泡辣椒的样品组醛类从19.89%增加到26.12%,醇类从9.41%增加到15.06%。研究认为醛类、醇类所赋予的脂香味是影响鱼香酱汁风味的主要因素。研究结果对鱼香酱汁工业化开发提供理论依据和指导作用。


    Abstract: To identify the effects of spices on the formation of Yu-Shiang Sauce, this study conducted a previously unexplored experiment examining the impacts of ginger, scallions, garlic, and pickled chili on flavor, quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA), gas chromatography-ion mobility spectroscopy (GC-IMS) technology, and electronic nose (E-nose) were used to analyze the compound changes. The results of sensory analysis and the electronic nose test showed: the deletion scallions disrupted the balance of fish flavor and had the greatest impact on flavor; deletion pickled chili peppers reduced the spiciness and freshness, had effect on the flavor, but the overall similarity remained high; the lack of ginger had the least impact on the balanced flavor presentation; deletion garlic had an enhancing effect on saltiness. GC-IMS result showed: 91 kinds of volatile compounds, including 26 kinds of aldehydes, 18 kinds of alcohols, 13 kinds of ketones, 8 kinds of esters, 8 kinds of alkanes, 5 kinds of sulphur-containing compounds, 2 kinds of ethers, 1 kind of acid, 10 kinds of heterocyclic compounds. The study found that the alkanes of the sample group with missing scallions decreased from 11.06% to 5.41% in the reference group, indicating that the missing scallions had the greatest impact on fish flavor. The aldehydes of sample group with missing pickled chili increased from 19.89 % to 26.12 % and alcohols significantly increased from 9.41% to 15.06%. This research was concluded that the lipid flavor came from aldehydes and alcohols was the main factor affected the flavor of Yu-Shiang sauce. The research results provide theoretical basis and guidance for the industrial development of Yu-Shiang sauce


