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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
李兴阳,王贝琦,郭超,等. 蝉花孢子油的提取工艺优化及对炎症和肠上皮细胞氧化损伤的影响[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(5):187−195. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040177.
引用本文: 李兴阳,王贝琦,郭超,等. 蝉花孢子油的提取工艺优化及对炎症和肠上皮细胞氧化损伤的影响[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(5):187−195. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040177.
LI Xingyang, WANG Beiqi, GUO Chao, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process of Isaria cicadae Miquel Spore Oil and Effect on Inflammation and Oxidative Damage of Intestinal Epithelial Cells[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 187−195. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040177.
Citation: LI Xingyang, WANG Beiqi, GUO Chao, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process of Isaria cicadae Miquel Spore Oil and Effect on Inflammation and Oxidative Damage of Intestinal Epithelial Cells[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 187−195. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040177.


Optimization of Extraction Process of Isaria cicadae Miquel Spore Oil and Effect on Inflammation and Oxidative Damage of Intestinal Epithelial Cells

  • 摘要: 本研究利用溶剂提取法对人工蝉花孢子粉中的脂类成分连续回流提取,基于单因素实验结果设计响应面试验优化提取工艺,以最大限度地提高蝉花孢子油的得油率,分析其组成并通过实验探究其体外抗炎活性及其对肠上皮细胞氧化损伤修复的影响。结果显示,在液固比为12:1、55 ℃的条件下连续回流提取3 h后,蝉花孢子油得油率最高,为2.626%±0.04%。气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测分析共得到25种成分,其中包含18种脂肪酸成分,占比为87.86%。体外实验结果表明,蝉花孢子油浓度在20~200 μg/mL时能够明显提高RAW264.7细胞存活率,显著促进LPS诱导的RAW264.7细胞NO的分泌至正常生理值(P<0.001);蝉花孢子油浓度在60~200 μg/mL时,能够显著促进H2O2诱导的Caco-2细胞的增殖(P<0.01);蝉花孢子油浓度在40~100 μg/mL时,能够显著增强Caco-2细胞的迁移能力(P<0.05)。因此,蝉花孢子油具有潜在的促进肠上皮细胞的氧化损伤的修复作用。作为由新食品原料提取得到的成分,在开发针对炎性肠病肠黏膜损伤的特殊医学用途配方食品方面具有应用前景。


    Abstract: This study utilized solvent extraction to continuously reflux extract the lipid components of cultural Isaria cicadae Miquel spore powder, optimized the extraction process to maximize the yield of Isaria cicadae Miquel spores oil based on the single-factor experiments, and response surface analysis, explored its composition, anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and potential effects on repairing oxidative damage of intestinal epithelial cells. Results indicated that under the conditions of a liquid-solid ratio of 12:1 and a temperature of 55 ℃, the highest yield of Isaria cicadae Miquel spore oil was obtained after continuous countercurrent extraction for 3 hours, reaching 2.626%±0.04%. Additionally, 25 compounds were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, including 18 fatty acids, accounting for 87.86%. In vitro experiments demonstrated that Isaria cicadae Miquel spore oil at concentrations of 20~200 μg/mL, significantly increased RAW264.7 cell survival rate and significantly promoted cellular NO secretion to normal physiological levels under LPS-induced conditions (P<0.001). Moreover, at concentrations of 60~200 μg/mL, Isaria cicadae Miquel spore oil significantly promoted the proliferation of H2O2-induced Caco-2 cells (P<0.01), while concentrations of 40~100 μg/mL significantly enhanced the migration ability of Caco-2 cells (P<0.05). Thus, Isaria cicadae Miquel spore oil has the potential to promote the repair of oxidative damage to intestinal epithelial cells. As a component extracted from novel food materials, it holds promise for the development of foods for special medical purposes, targeting inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal mucosal injury.


