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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
高敬瑶,吕辛梦,周志,等. 非热物理技术及天然抗菌剂在冷鲜畜禽肉制品保鲜中的应用研究进展[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(7):1−10. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040140.
引用本文: 高敬瑶,吕辛梦,周志,等. 非热物理技术及天然抗菌剂在冷鲜畜禽肉制品保鲜中的应用研究进展[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(7):1−10. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040140.
GAO Jingyao, LÜ Xinmeng, ZHOU Zhi, et al. Research Progress on the Application of Non-thermophysical Technology and Natural Antibacterial Agents on the Preservation of Chilled Livestock and Poultry Meat Products[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−10. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040140.
Citation: GAO Jingyao, LÜ Xinmeng, ZHOU Zhi, et al. Research Progress on the Application of Non-thermophysical Technology and Natural Antibacterial Agents on the Preservation of Chilled Livestock and Poultry Meat Products[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−10. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040140.


Research Progress on the Application of Non-thermophysical Technology and Natural Antibacterial Agents on the Preservation of Chilled Livestock and Poultry Meat Products

  • 摘要: 2023年我国畜禽肉产量达2456万吨,具有很大的消费市场,但其易腐败,保质期短,严重影响其经济价值。目前,非热物理技术及天然抗菌剂是冷鲜畜禽肉制品保鲜的研究热点。本文综述了非热物理技术(气调包装、辐照、高压电场和冰温)和天然抗菌剂(植物源、动物源和微生物源)的抑菌机理,及在冷鲜畜禽肉制品中的应用情况,重点阐述了综合保鲜技术对冷鲜畜禽肉制品的保鲜应用效果,并对智能保鲜在冷鲜畜禽肉制品的应用做出展望,以期为非热物理技术及天然抗菌剂在冷鲜畜禽肉制品中的保鲜提供可行性参考。


    Abstract: In 2023, the production of chilled livestock and poultry meat have reached 0.2456 million tons in China, with a large consumer market. However, easy to corruption and limited shelf life has led to the serious economic loss of chilled livestock and poultry meat products. Currently, non-thermophysical technology and natural antimicrobial agents are the research hotspots for the preservation of chilled livestock and poultry meat products. This paper reviews the mechanisms of bacterial inhibition by non-thermophysical techniques (modified atmosphere packaging, irradiation, high voltage electric field and ice temperature) and natural antimicrobial agents (with plant, animal and microbial sources), and their application on the preservation of chilled livestock and poultry meat products. Moreover, this work elaborates the application of combination of non-thermophysical technology and natural antimicrobial agents, and making an outlook on the application of intelligent preservation in chilled livestock and poultry meat products. This work can provide feasible references for the preservation of non-thermophysical technology and natural antimicrobial agents in chilled livestock and poultry meat products.


