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朱凯,丁茁荑,吴艺飞,等. 不同品种菜薹游离氨基酸组成分析及综合评价[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(5):230−238. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030348.
引用本文: 朱凯,丁茁荑,吴艺飞,等. 不同品种菜薹游离氨基酸组成分析及综合评价[J]. 宝威体育平台,2025,46(5):230−238. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030348.
ZHU Kai, DING Zhuoyi, WU Yifei, et al. Composition and Comprehensive Evaluation of Free Amino Acids in Different Brassica campestris Cultivars[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 230−238. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030348.
Citation: ZHU Kai, DING Zhuoyi, WU Yifei, et al. Composition and Comprehensive Evaluation of Free Amino Acids in Different Brassica campestris Cultivars[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(5): 230−238. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024030348.


Composition and Comprehensive Evaluation of Free Amino Acids in Different Brassica campestris Cultivars

  • 摘要: 为系统评估不同品种菜薹游离氨基酸(free amino acids,FAA)总体品质的差异性,以16个不同菜薹品种为研究对象,通过高效液相色谱法检测其FAA种类和含量,运用味道强度值(taste activity value,TAV)、相关性分析法(correlation analysis,CA)、主成分分析法(principal component analysis,PCA)、聚类分析法(hierarchical cluster analysis,HCA)对菜薹FAA进行综合评价。结果表明:16种菜薹中共含有22~23种FAA,其中瓜氨酸(Cit)在部分品种菜薹未检出;各菜薹总氨基酸含量(total free amino acid,TFAA)范围为1.30~6.77 mg/g,油菜薹XT-3的TFAA含量最高,白菜薹CT-4浓度最低。TAV结果表明鲜味氨基酸是主要呈味氨基酸,以谷氨酰胺(Gln)和谷氨酸(Glu)为主要贡献氨基酸;药用氨基酸成分偏高,含量范围在0.34~1.95 mg/g。不同种质菜薹FAA间相关性较好,甘氨酸(Gly)仅与半胱氨酸(Cys)呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。运用PCA共提取4个主成分,累计方差贡献率为87.022%,能有效解析所有FAA信息特征。HCA结果与PCA结果一致,16个菜薹品种被划分成3大类;通过综合评估得出排名前3的品种分别为油菜薹XT-3、XT-4和紫红菜薹ZM-2。以上结果能有效体现出不同种质菜薹FAA间的差异性,为菜薹种质选育、产品研发提供一定的理论依据。


    Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the differences in the overall quality of free amino acid (FAA) in different varieties of Brassica campestris. The types and contents of FAA were detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the FAA compositions of the 16 Brassica campestris cultivars were evaluated by taste activity value (TAV), correlation analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). Results showed that there were 22~23 FAA in 16 kinds of Brassica campestris, among which citrulline (Cit) was not detected in some varieties. The total free amino acid (TFAA) content of Brassica campestris was in the range of 1.30~6.77 mg/g, with the highest TFAA content in XT-3 and the lowest in CT-4. The TAV results showed that umami amino acids were the main flavor amino acids, and glutamine (Gln) and glutamic acid (Glu) were the main contributing amino acids. The medicinal amino acids were abundant, with the contents range of 0.34~1.95 mg/g. The correlation between the FAA of different Brassica campestris varieties was excellent, while the correlation between the FAA of glycine (Gly) and cysteine (Cys) was only positively significant (P<0.01). Four principal components were extracted using PCA, with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 87.022%, which could effectively analyze all the FAA information characteristics. The HCA results were consistent with the PCA, and the 16 Brassica campestris cultivars were categorized into 3 major groups. The top 3 varieties ranked by the comprehensive evaluation were XT-3, XT-4 and ZM-2, respectively. These results could effectively reflect the differences between the FAA of different germplasm of Brassica campestris, and provide some theoretical basis for idioplasmic selection and product development of Brassica campestris.


